West Bradford Jr. Tennis League

Fall 2025

An Affordable Tennis Program Managed and Run by the Philadelphia Area Team Tennis Association 

Learn and Play Tennis on a Team!  Just as in baseball, soccer, and basketball, players will be placed on tennis teams and play against other teams.  Here are some details:

Where: Broad Run Road behind West Bradford Elementary School. 

When: Matches and Practices will be Saturday Mornings and at 1 of 2 sessions:

Orange Ball Division
For Ages: Players in grades 3-4 (Very experienced 2nd graders may also play)
Format: Orange Transition Balls, 60 Foot Court
Time First 3 Sessions: Saturdays, 9:00am-10:00am
Last 4 Sessions: Saturdays, 8:45am-10:00am 

Green Ball Division
For Ages: Players in grades 5-8 (Very experienced 4th graders may also play)
Format: Yellow and Green Balls, Full 78 Foot Court
Time First 3 Sessions: Saturdays, 10:00am-11:00am
Last 4 Sessions: Saturdays, 10:00am-11:15am 

Dates for the program will be: 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27,  10/4, 10/11, 10/18
Backup/Rain Dates will be: 10/25, 11/1 and/or Saturdays as needed

Cost:  $95 for the season, and includes uniform, award, and end of season party.

Level of Play: The league is for beginner and intermediate players. 

Weekly Format: The first 3 weeks will be practices, focusing on fundamentals, games, and scoring.  The last 4 weeks will be devoted to match play against other teams.  The last session will be a match/awards ceremony.

September 1st – Registration Ends
September 5th – First Practices
September 27th  – Matches Begin
October 10th  – Anticipated final matches/Awards Ceremony

More Information: For more information, call Justin DePietropaolo at (610) 450-4816, or e-mail him at justin@phillyteamtennis.org

Additional Leagues:  We also have leagues in Downingtown, West Chester, and Aston.  Please check the website for additional league locations.

Registration can be found here: Registration.  Please note that we only have 24 spots available for each division. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register asap.